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Water dost (Eupatorium cannabinum)

water dost


choleretic, blood purifying, wound healing, slightly laxative, diuretic, analgesic, expectorant, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory

Areas of application:

Pain, to strengthen the liver, for infections, colds, flu, skin rashes, gallbladder and spleen diseases, dropsy, strengthens the immune system, ovarian and fallopian tube inflammation, burst capillaries (couperose), wounds, rashes, detoxification herb for fever, viral diseases, gentle laxative, chills, typhus, hay fever, menstrual problems, gout, rheumatism, kidney and bladder diseases

Plant parts used:

Flowering shoot tips, leaves and roots

Collection time:

In summer, the root in spring or autumn

To find:

Waterbird can be found in damp places in the forest, on banks, ponds and rivers.


Bitter substances, tannins, resin, saponins, sesyuiterpene lactones, eupatorin, essential oil, inulin, iron, vitamins


☕ Tea: 1 1/2 teaspoons of herb (about 3 g) are poured over with 1 cup of cold water. Then let it steep overnight or at least 10 hours and then strain. 2 to 3 cups daily are sufficient.

☕ Tea: 1 teaspoon of root is poured over with 1 cup of water and left to steep for about 10 hours. Then strain and warm slightly. The tea is drunk on an empty stomach, as it tastes bitter it should not be sweetened.

The common agrimony is a perennial plant and can grow to between 50 and 175 cm in height. It forms a rhizome as a root. The upright, short-haired, richly leafy stem, which only branches in the upper section, is often tinged with red. Its oppositely arranged leaves are short-stalked or sessile and are usually palmately pinnate with 3 to 7 leaflets. The leaflets are lanceolate and pointed. Rarely, however, the leaves are undivided. The leaf edges are lobed and toothed. The flowering period is from July to September. The slightly arched, umbrella-shaped inflorescence contains numerous, small, densely packed, basket-shaped partial inflorescences. The few blunt and unequal-length bracts are arranged like roof tiles. The base of the basket has no chaff leaves. The flower baskets contain only four to six tubular flowers. The tubular flowers are made up of five pink, rarely white petals. The two style branches of the split style protrude far out of the flower tube. The five-ribbed achenes are 2 to 3 millimeters long. The pappus consists of many bristles and is 3 to 5 millimeters long. (partly Wikipedia)

water dost

🛑 An overdose can cause nausea, so less is more. Due to its alkaloid content, the plant should only be used under medical supervision.

In the Celtic shamanic tradition, water dost was used in weather magic. Women and girls in particular used this to invoke the rain needed for agriculture.

Water dost has properties similar to antibiotics.

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