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Tigernut (Cyperus esculentus)



Digestive, strengthening, cardioprotective, diuretic, anti-inflammatory

Areas of application:

Good for the digestive organs, for the heart, for diabetics, for the kidneys.

Constipation, cramps, inflammation, flatulence, colic, diarrhea, menstrual disorders, gum problems, mouth ulcers

Plant parts used:

The small, round sprouts that form on the roots, they look like little barrels.

Collection time:

After the above-ground stalks die off, from the end of September

To find:

Wild collection is only possible in southern countries.


essential fatty acids (linoleic acid), starch, protein, vitamin E, vitamin H, magnesium, enzymes for the digestive system, phytosterols


Fresh tigernut can be eaten raw or roasted with a little salt or grated in salty and sweet dishes. Dried tigernuts are first soaked in water for a few hours so that they become soft again and can then be eaten.

Grated tigernut is a nut substitute in baked goods. If you don't have whole tiger nut available, you can use tiger nut oil or tiger nut flour.

Diabetics benefit because their hunger for less digestible foods is significantly reduced. Gentle kidney support is another positive feature.


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