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Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)

Schwach giftig


appetite-stimulating, diuretic, blood-purifying, liver-strengthening, antipyretic, astringent, laxative, cooling, stomach-strengthening

Areas of application:

for loss of appetite, for blood purification, has a beneficial effect on the liver, jaundice, inflammation of the oral mucosa, skin diseases, inflammation of the mucous membranes, chronic rheumatic diseases, kidney stones, kidney grit, abscesses, lymph congestion, menstrual problems, fever, scurvy, to strengthen the immune system

Plant parts used:

the whole herb

Collection time:

before flowering begins (flowering period April to May)

To find:

In damp meadows, on the edges of ditches, bushes and in damp forest clearings.


Oxalic acid, flavone glycoside, vitamin C


☕ 2 teaspoons of dried herb are poured with 1/4 liter of boiling water and left to steep for 10 minutes.

☕ Bring 1 teaspoon of root to the boil with 1/4 liter of water, then let it steep for 10 minutes. For a cure you drink 3 cups a day.

Sorrel is a perennial plant and can grow to a height of 30 to 100 cm. It has a fibrous rhizome with strong shoot roots. The lower leaves have long stalks and are elliptical-elongated, while the upper leaves on the stem are arrow-shaped. Its bag-shaped leaf sheaths (ochrea) are formed by the fusion of the stipules and serve as bud protection. The paniculate, thyroid-shaped inflorescences, which consist of dichasially wound partial inflorescences, are located on leafless inflorescence shafts. The small flowers are red. The inner three tepals have a red edge and continue to grow (in the female flowers) after anthesis and then envelop the small nut fruits as "valves". (partly Wikipedia)

🛑 If you consume too much sorrel, the oxalic acid can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and circulatory damage. In small amounts, it is perfectly fine. Oxalic acid can bind other nutrients, especially potassium, and thus lead to a mineral deficiency. People with a tendency to rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kidney stones or hyperacidity should be particularly careful when adding this plant to their diet, as it can worsen their condition. People with heart or kidney damage should also avoid using fresh sorrel. This also applies to anyone who suffers from heartburn.

When collecting it, care should be taken not to collect it from over-fertilized meadows. Older specimens of sorrel with rust-brown holes in the leaves are particularly indigestible in large quantities. The herb is collected before it flowers.

In the kitchen, the leaves and young shoots can be used as an addition to salads, vegetables and soups. It has a refreshing lemon-like sour taste. The seeds can be used as a spice or baked. Since the oxalic acid is broken down by cooking, it is better to use it heated than raw.

Sorrel is one of the nine herbs consecrated in the herb cluster on the occasion of the Assumption of Mary.

In spring, fresh sorrel is one of the healthy foods and should be eaten in small quantities every day for at least 2 weeks. This small amount cleanses the body from the inside and replenishes vitamin and enzyme stores.


There are also different species of sorrel, such as the alpine sorrel, the white sorrel, the curly sorrel, the blood sorrel and the meadow sorrel.

Hildegard von Bingen: The dock is only good for livestock, but it makes people sad inside because it pours out its excited nature into the human body.

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