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Silver thistle (Carlina acaulis)



Diuretic, appetite-stimulating, diaphoretic, laxative, strengthening, scar-forming, wound-cleansing, antibacterial

Areas of application:

Dispels gloom when something is heavy in the stomach, for urinary retention, worms, colds for sweating, flu, ringworm, rashes, bronchial catarrh, for general strengthening, increasing athletic performance

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

Autumn and spring

To find:

Silver thistle is a strictly protected plant! Rare at higher altitudes, in fields and meadows.


Essential oil, carlin oxide, tannins, inulin, bitter substances


☕ Tea: Mix 1 teaspoon of Silver thistle with 1 cup of cold water, bring to the boil and strain. 2 cups daily are sufficient.

🛑 Silver thistle must not be overdosed, as nausea can then occur and negative reactions can occur if you have an allergy to the daisy family.

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