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Oregon-grape (Mahonia aquifolium)

Slightly Toxic



Liver-active, digestive, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, neuroprotective, antiparasitic, anti-cancer

Areas of application:

Psoriasis, inflammation of the skin, stimulates the liver and bile secretion, cleanses the blood, gallbladder and spleen, urinary tract, bladder infections, febrile illnesses, acne, skin diseases, wound care, antifungal agents, wounds, eczema, herpes, regulation of blood sugar and metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels, ACE inhibitors, type 2 diabetes, relieves symptoms such as headaches, digestive problems, diarrhea, gastritis accumulated toxins, pneumonia, staphylococci, streptococci, MRSA, acts as a neuraminidase inhibitor, inhibits viral replication, inhibits the inflammatory reaction, herpes virus, Zika virus, HIV, influenza A (including H1N1/swine flu), inhibits tumor growth of cancer (works similarly to metformin), parasites, giardia, protozoa, worms

In homeopathy: liver and bile problems, psoriasis (psoriasis)

Plant parts used:

Berries (0.05% berberine), root (1.5% berberine), bark (poisonous), root bark (poisonous)

Collection time:

January to July

To find:

The plant originally comes from North America. They are sometimes found in botanical gardens or mostly on forest edges and in hedges.


Alkaloids berberine, oxyacanthin


Oregon grape is an upright shrub that can grow up to 1.80 meters high. Its leaves look very similar to holly: dark green, spiny, leathery and shiny. They have compound leaflets. Each leaflet is about 30 cm long and has 7 to 9 leaflets. The small yellow flowers grow in a cluster at the branch tips and form dark blue-purple berries when ripe. The fruits grow in small clusters like grapes.


🛑 Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to berberine (toxic). Use only in small quantities! If you use it, you should consult a trusted doctor!

In the kitchen you can eat the berries and make jelly, jam or wine

Indian tribes used Oregon grapes for indigestion and dry skin rashes.

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