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Oak (Quercus robur)



constipating, haemostatic, astringent, strengthening, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, decongestant, tonic

Areas of application:

Vaginal infections with discharge, uterine inflammation, rectal fistulas, hemorrhoids, psoriasis, eczema, chilblains, oily skin that tends to be impure, muscular rheumatism, swollen or purulent tonsils, hard gums, diseased stomach and intestinal mucosa, gastrointestinal complaints, nosebleeds, coughing up blood, diarrhea, dysentery, rectal prolapse, glandular blockage, sexually transmitted diseases, emaciation, gouty nodes, melancholy, leucorrhea, stomach weakness, poor digestion, abdominal cramps, inflammatory skin diseases, mild inflammations in the mouth and throat, sweaty feet, burns, intermittent fever, as a detergent for infections in the throat and mouth area

Plant parts used:

Bark, leaves, fruits

Collection time:

Bark in March, April

Leaves in summer

Fruits in autumn

To find:

In oak or mixed forests, in avenues.


Oak tannic acid, gallic acid, gum, resin, fat, pectin, sugar, fatty oil, protein, silica


☕ Tea: 1 teaspoon of oak bark is served cold with 1/4 liter of water, boiled and strained.

🛀🏼 Full bath: Boil 1 kg of oak bark in a large pot for about 1/4 hour, strain and add to the bath water.

Hitz baths, rinses: Add 2 tablespoons of bark to cold water, boil for 1/4 hour and then strain.

Gargle regularly, especially after meals.

Compresses should be renewed three times a day.

The decoction is also very suitable as an additive to cosmetic products, especially for oily and impure skin.

The pedunculate oak is a deciduous tree that grows from 20 to over 40 meters tall and has a trunk circumference of up to 3 meters, or up to 12 meters in the open, like the Femeiche or the Ivenacker oaks. Its maximum age is 500 to 1000 years, in exceptional cases up to 1400 years. When young, its bark is smooth and slightly shiny gray-green; later, a thick, deeply fissured, furrowed, gray-brown bark forms. The buds are blunt, egg-shaped and clustered on the shoots. The alternate, leathery leaves have only short stalks and are 10 to 15 centimeters long. They are shiny deep green on top, lighter on the underside and lobed in five to six bays. In young trees in particular, the withered leaves remain on the tree during winter dormancy (marcescence). The pedunculate oak is monoecious and dioecious. The male inflorescences are thin, richly flowered catkins. The tiny male single flower has an inconspicuous, multi-lobed perigone and 5-12 stamens. The female flowers are in clearly stalked spikes that stand in the leaf axils at the tip of the spring shoots. Each female flower is cup-shaped and surrounded by a hairy capula, which more or less covers the inconspicuous 5-7-part perigone. The reddish stigma is disc-like and usually three-part. The ovary is inferior. The pedunculate oak flowers from April to May. The acorns ripen from September to October. The acorns grow in groups of three to five on 1.5 to 4 centimetre long stems (hence the name pedunculate oak) and grow up to 3.5 centimetres long. The acorns serve as food for various animals and are spread by them. The jay in particular ensures the spread of the pedunculate oak by creating food deposits (jay seeds). The pedunculate oak forms a strong taproot; thanks to its roots, it is extremely storm-resistant. Its roots can also open up heavily compacted soils in order to reach deep groundwater. (Wikipedia)

🛑 Possible digestive problems. Can delay the absorption of alkaloids and other alkaline medicines.


Oak wood or oak bark from a tree struck by lightning has magical properties.

The oak is considered a symbol of strength and willpower and is a sacred tree in many cultures.

Oak bark cooked with water and red wine 1:1 and drunk in sips helps with hemicidal disorders, intestinal catarrh and colic.

In the kitchen, the young and tender leaves can be used as a salad base; they taste very mild. The older leaves can then be chopped up and used as a seasoning in salads, sauces and vegetable dishes. In the past, they were also used as a tobacco substitute.

In the past, acorn coffee was made a lot. To remove the bitterness, the acorns were removed from the shell, ground, rinsed with water and strained. It strengthens the entire organism and is a health drink.

The flour from the fruit was used as a flour substitute in times of need; the Native Americans of North America still use it to make their bread today.

Oak is a plant that introduces silica.

The use of the English oak is as firewood, in hydraulic engineering, for railway sleepers, pile construction, parquet, staircase construction and as furniture wood and so on.

Acorns and oak leaves are harmful to cattle and horses due to their high tannin content.

The Bach flower "Oak" helps to bring excessive ambition into a balanced rhythm, depression, despair, but never-ending effort.

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