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Mountain pine (Pinus mugo syn. Pinus montana)

Mountain pine


expectorant, disinfectant

Areas of application:

Chronic bronchitis, colds, circulatory disorders, kills germs in the room air, stone diseases, as a tonic, for states of exhaustion

Plant parts used:

Needles, resin

Collection time:

early summer

To find:

Mountain pines grow at extreme heights above the tree line.


Resin, bitter substances, essential oil with pinenene, camphenene, terpinene, limonene, cymene, terpineol


Mountain pines are low shrubs. They are adapted to the snow pressure in high mountains. If you discover blackish ball-like coniferous bushes on them, they are damaged by fungal diseases (needle brown or snow mold), then do not collect any of them.

Mountain pine oil is a frequently used agent for sauna infusions or bath additives.

The mountain pine has the same uses as the pine, spruce, fir and larch. Cold balms and ointments made from them smell stronger if the collected goods come from the high mountains.

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