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Speedwell (Veronica officinalis)



blood purifying, skin cleansing, urinary and sweat-inducing, cholesterol-lowering, expectorant, metabolism-promoting

Areas of application:

cleanses the body of toxins, strengthens memory, cleanses the blood, liver and kidneys, helps with congestion in the respiratory tract, jaundice, urinary grit, cough, heavy breathing, damaged lungs and chest, chronic itching caused by eczema, hormone problems or diabetes; too high cholesterol levels, stimulates milk production in nursing mothers, inflamed injuries, inflammation of the gums, mouth rot, tonsillitis, age-related itching,

Plant parts used:

the flowering herb

Collection time:

July to August

To find:

Grows everywhere in dry, open forests, on forest edges, clearcuts and sometimes in meadows. Speedwell can also be found in gardens.


Tannins, saponin, glycoside, essential oil, sugar, resin, wax, iridoids, veronicin, aucubin


☕ Tea: 2 teaspoons of speedwell are poured over with 1 cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and then strain. 1 cup 3 times a day is sufficient.

Speedwell is used as a love oracle to distinguish the faithful from the unfaithful suitors. Furthermore, the plant is mentioned like the beavernelle in the plague saying: "Drink speedwell and beavernelle - then you won't die so quickly" - and is said to cure nine diseases.

Once upon a time there was a herb that was considered the ultimate universal remedy. People gave it “honor” at all times and “praised” it loudly. That has changed, because in our time the real speedwell, which is also official and recognized as a medicinal plant, has disappeared into obscurity.

There are many different types of speedwell in our gardens, they are usually coarser, more robust and bloom more profusely. The delicate mountain speedwell (Veronica montana), whose blood circulation-promoting essence can be of good use internally for memory problems in old age. It helps with digestion and has a beneficial influence on fat metabolism. It should be said that all types of speedwell are healing, even if not in the same way as the real thing.

Hildegard von Bingen: Anyone who suffers from the small scabies that is between the skin and the flesh should crush the herb with fat and anoint themselves with it. But after it has already begun to heal, he immediately stops anointing because he would damage his blood if he anoints himself there for a longer period of time.

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