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Hemp-nettle, common (Galeopsis tetrahit)



antispasmodic, cleansing, expectorant

Areas of application:

for the treatment of tissue wasting problems, lung problems, coughs, bronchitis, cramps

Plant parts used:

seeds, herb

Collection time:

June to October

To find:

On fields, wasteland, roadsides and forest areas.


Silica, tannins, saponins


Common hemp-nettle is an annual plant and grows to a height of between 20 and 30 cm, rarely even up to 60 cm. The stem is very thickened at the leaf nodes and has bristly to spiny hairs. The leaves are ovate to lanceolate, rounded or wedge-shaped at the base and have 5 to 10 large teeth on the edge. The inflorescence consists of 2 to 7 false whorls standing one above the other. The calyx of the flowers is spiny and bristly or glabrous. The calyx is bell-shaped and its teeth are long. The flower corollas are 15 to 20 mm long and can be white, reddish, purple or bluish-violet in color, but are usually pink. Flowering time is from June to October.

🛑 The plant is poisonous and can cause paralysis.

A drying oil is extracted from the seeds. It is used as a polish for leather. A fiber is obtained from the stems and is used to make cords.

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