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Hedge Woundwort (Stachys sylvatica)


haemostatic, diuretic, menstruation-inducing, strengthening

Areas of application:

wounds, glandular tumors, colic as a diuretic, stimulates menstruation

Parts of the plant used:

the flowering herb

Collection time:

May to August

Can be found:

In nutrient-rich and moist places in the forest, on forest edges, bushes and shady roadsides.


essential oils, tannins, bitter substances


Hedge Woundwort is a perennial plant and can grow between 30 and 120 cm tall. It forms underground runners. The flower smells pleasantly lilac-like and if you crush the plant parts it smells unpleasant. The square stem is upright or slightly curved and covered in glandular hairs. It is hollow inside and has two to five pairs of leaves. The oppositely arranged leaves are divided into a petiole and a leaf blade. They are hairy and bright, strong green. The leaf blade is heart-shaped and the leaf edge is serrated. The flowers are in long spike-like inflorescences, usually four to ten leaf-like bracts grouped together in whorls, which become smaller towards the top. The flowers are usually dark red or wine-red, but can also be violet or pink. The calyxes are bell-shaped, have ten veins, are often brown-violet and end in five triangular, short-awned teeth that curve outwards when they fade and are densely covered with simple and glandular hairs.

How they can be used in cooking is not known.

The plant has a yellow pigment.

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