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Gold of pleasure (Camelina sativa)


Anti-inflammatory, intestinal regulating, stomach strengthening

Areas of application:

Bruises, abrasions, bruises, injuries caused by impact or fall, bruises, stressed intestines, relieves intestinal upset, colic, gastritis, nail bed inflammation, chilblains, inflammatory skin diseases, acne

Plant parts used:


Collection time:


To find:

In fields and wine-growing areas.


fatty oil, proteins, eicosenoic acid, linolenic acid


The "yolk oil" was the number 1 home remedy in Carinthia until about 50 years ago and is still very popular today.

In the kitchen, the sweet-bitter Gold of pleasure seeds can be used in muesli or in salads, on pastries and bread (German sesame).

🛑 Do not take in large quantities!

Gold of pleasure
Robert Flogaus-Faust, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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