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Crocus / Saffron (Crocus sativus)


Crocus / Saffron


Heart-strengthening, aphrodisiac, digestive, pain-relieving

Areas of application:

Stimulates hormones in the sexual area, old age, cramps, circulatory problems, weak menstruation, stroke, as a painkiller and sedative, labor inducing agent, inflamed gums, bruises, abrasions, burns

Plant parts used:

Floral threads

Collection time:

September, October

To find:

Garden plant


Carotenoids, dicarboxylic acid, crocetin, essential oil, terpenes (pinene, cineole), bitter substances


Saffron crocus looks very similar to the spring crocus, the only way to recognize it is by its flowering time. It blooms in autumn after the leaves have already formed in spring and provides the saffron. The spring crocus has none of the characteristics of its brother.

🛑 Be careful!!! Just 10 to 20 grams of saffron can cause fatal poisoning, and correspondingly less in children. Saffron poisoning always begins with uncontrollable fits of laughter. Do not use during pregnancy!!!

The highest limit without having to fear side effects is 1.5 g of saffron per day, but not as long-term use.

Crocus / Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. For 1 kg of saffron, up to 600,000 stigmas have to be picked by hand, that's around 150,000 flowers that you have to bend over to reach, which is still the case today.

The crocus is a symbol of true love.

In Indian folk medicine "Ayurveda" A saffron thread belongs in almost every drink that is supposed to stimulate sensuality. It is found as an ingredient in most oriental spice mixtures.

In the kitchen it was used to color butter, cheese and drinks. Otherwise it is used in a few dishes today: in Spanish paella, in French bouillabaisse and in certain fish soups as well as real Italian risottos.

1 gram of saffron is able to color 100 liters of water very yellow.

Crocus / Saffron

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