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Crimson beebalm (Monarda didyma)


anti-flatulence, sleep-inducing, diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic

Areas of application:

Cold, bronchial problems, sore throats, sinuses, as an antiseptic, mild nausea, flatulence, stomach problems, antipyretic, irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps, headaches, insomnia, mild depression, acne, ulcers, bites, stings, rashes, abrasions

Plant parts used:

Leaves and flowers

Collection time:

June to September

To find:

On bank embankments or in forest clearings.


Tannins, bitter substances, colors (anthocyanins), essential oils, thymol


☕ Tea: 1 teaspoon of dried drug is poured with 1/4 liter of boiling water and left to steep for a few minutes.

Crimson beebalm is a perennial plant and grows up to 90 cm high. It has straight, serrated, square stems. The opposite leaves may be smooth or have a thin layer of fine hairs. The leaves have a strong scent and are 7.5 cm to 15 cm long. The showy flowers vary in color from dark pink to bright red to purple. They are about 4 cm long and grow together in dense heads with many flowers. They bloom in mid to late summer. Crimson beebalm spreads via underground shoots and becomes larger in autumn. It begins to die after three to four years when it is in the middle of its lifespan.

Crimson beebalm is also called Indian nettle, Oswego tea, golden balm and scarlet monard. The plant got its name Oswego tea because of its use by the Oswego tribe. Crimson beebalm attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies.

The Indian nettle is an important medicinal and tea plant of the North American Indians.

In the kitchen, monards can also be used like lemon balm for juices, punches and liqueurs. The red flowers taste good in salads, jellies or milk. All juices from the flower taste delicious and have a strengthening and health-promoting effect. Dried leaves can be used as a spice like sage.

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