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Creeping baby's-breath (Gypsophila repens)

creeping baby's-breath


expectorant, promotes expectoration

Areas of application:

Colds, catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract

Plant parts used:


Collection time:


To find:

Creeping baby's-breath grows on gypsum and limestone soils in mild mountain areas up to 2300 meters.


Phytosterols, saponins


☕ Tea: Add 2 teaspoons to 1/4 liter of water and bring to the boil. After a short steeping time, strain and drink. 3 cups daily.

The small roots of the Creeping baby's-breath were sometimes used to mix with other cough herbs.

Detergent was made from the roots and was used to wash wool in particular. For this you need 150 g of roots, which are boiled in 2 liters of water in a pot for about 1/4 hour. Due to the abundant saponins in the root, a lye is created, which can be diluted a little with water. The lye is enough for 1/2 kg of laundry. The lye can also be used as a fungicidal agent.

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