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Bryony (Bryonia dioica, Bryonia alba)

Very poisonus


Strong laxative, emetic, diuretic, rheumatic effect

Areas of application:

Homeopathy: Fever, uterine diseases, asthma, poorly healing wounds, rheumatism, gout, muscle pain

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

in spring before flowering

To find:

Sometimes found in hedges, fences, near old stonework and on forest edges with dense bushes.


Bitter substances, bryonin, saponins, resin


The climbing poisonous plant was believed to have magical powers because of its powerful turnip root.

The white Bryony (Bryonia alba) belongs to the pumpkin family. Its turnip-shaped yellow root is on average 40 to 65 cm long and 12 to 15 cm in diameter. The roots give rise to fast-growing, rough-haired stem shoots that can climb up to 4 meters high, and spirally coiled tendrils that change their direction of rotation after 2 meters of growth. Palmate, five-lobed, entire-edged leaves grow on the rough-haired stems. Greenish white funnel-shaped flowers sit in the leaf axils. The male flowers are in clusters, the female flowers in clusters. The multi-seeded black berries ripen in autumn.

The Bryony is highly poisonous and may only be used under medical supervision. It has a laxative effect, but is also a pain-relieving remedy for rheumatism.

Hildegard of Bingen: Her warmth is dangerous, except in a place where poison is prepared. Because even its smell kills when fried. But whoever has feet that are sore with ulcers, let him boil the bryony in water. Then pour away the water and place the turnip on his feet where they broke open. Then all corruption will disappear and the sick person will be healed.

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