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Black medic (Medicago lupulina)

black medic


revitalizing, appetite-stimulating

Areas of application:

Appetite stimulation, cellulite, weight loss, supports the body in flushing out free radicals, high cholesterol, digestive problems, as a diet for obesity

Plant parts used:

young sprouts

Collection time:

May to September

To find:

On dry meadows, railway embankments and on the edges of meadows and fields.


Phytoestrogens, cumestrol, genistein, saponins, iron, vitamin A, zinc


Black medic is a wild vegetable and is closely related to alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Only small amounts of the raw shoot tips are used in a salad, or as a seasoning in soup, herb butter or spreads.

Black medic has an influence on the acid-base balance in the body and therefore has a certain dehydrating effect.

Black medic should be avoided if you have an existing autoimmune disease.

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